Red Star Gasoline (McManus Petroleums)

Red Star Gasoline (McManus Petroleums) started business in 1938 in London Ontario and grew to be one of the largest independent fuel operations in Canada. By 1946 in the space of 8 short years the operation had expanded to 203 Red Star service stations in Western Ontario and branch offices in Hamilton, Owen Sound, Simcoe, Woodstock, Hagersville, St. Thomas & Chatham as well as extensive storage & harbour facilities in Port Stanley. Red Stars success did not go unnoticed and Joe accepted an offer of $1,000,000 for controlling interest in McManus Petroleums by executives of Reliance Petroleums.

Red Star Hwy

Red Star station on highway 3

Red Star Straight Truck

Red Star delivery truck being filled at the depot

We are always looking for new photographs, stories or other items that relate to one of the companies on this website as well as the McManus family and Port Stanley in general. Please contact us.